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Why MyPCS?

to have research collaboration and opportunities in process control, modeling and simulation.

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Individuals, residing in Malaysia, regardless of nationality, involved in process modelling, simulation, optimisation and control with appropriate educational and/or professional background.

 Application for membership of the Association can be made in four categories:

  1. Fellow - Will be awarded by the Association to an individual with outstanding contributions within the domain of process modelling, simulation, optimisation and control, and He/She should have at least 20 years of experience in related field from the industry
    or academic.
  2. Member - An individual who holds a degree in related fields, OR a person who has at least 10 years of working experience in the domain of process modelling, simulation, optimisation and control.
  3. Associate member - An individual without a degree in related field that has less than 10 years working experience but has interest in the domain of process modelling, simulation, optimisation and control.
  4. Student member - An undergraduate or postgraduate student undergoing related engineering degree study or research.